STYMPHALIA SA, based in Kalianoi, Corinthia, is active in the cheese and dairy sector.
The new prototypes of Stymphalia SA, which were inaugurated in 1995, with the most ideal hygiene conditions, are one of the most modern cheese dairies in Greece. Where tradition and technology are in perfect harmony.
From the collection of the raw material and its transformation into a product that reaches the consumer, Stymphalia SA network, at every stage, strict hygiene rules are in place to achieve an excellent result.
The collection of milk by the producers – farmers is carried out in refrigerators – ice cubes, which are granted by “Stymfalia SA”, aiming at a raw material with a low microbial load that is kept until the company’s facilities. The collection of milk from the ice cubes is made by company cars, which keeps the milk at low temperature.
In the dairy area are housed machinery which, after the milk reception, begins and works as a chain for the production of the products.
A characteristic feature of installations at the fabric level is the stainless steel that dominates everywhere in the dairy area, from machinery and tanks to the site itself. Special tiles in the production areas ensure the cleanliness and therefore the quality of the products.